Join us for practices where we will work on skills, conditioning, and team strategy. Practice may be co-ed or split into men's and womxn's teams depending on the needs for that practice day.
Grab your sleeping bags and outdoor gear for Camp Sunshine 2023! We have booked two group campsites at Coyote Group Campground in Tahoe National Forest. There are plenty of hiking trails nearby, and it's located on the Middle Fork of the American River and near the French Meadows Reservoir, so there will be fun rafting/kayaking/swimming… Read more
Join us for practices where we will work on skills, conditioning, and team strategy. Practice may be co-ed or split into men's and womxn's teams depending on the needs for that practice day.
Metro is our local men's and women's tackle leagues. Local players will be allocated to teams and a seven game league will be held throughout the summer/fall months. Register by June 5th or drop in whenever you're free! For more league details, please visit:Â
Join us for practices where we will work on skills, conditioning, and team strategy. Practice may be co-ed or split into men's and womxn's teams depending on the needs for that practice day.
Metro is our local men's and women's tackle leagues. Local players will be allocated to teams and a seven game league will be held throughout the summer/fall months. Register by June 5th or drop in whenever you're free! For more league details, please visit:Â
Join us for practices where we will work on skills, conditioning, and team strategy. Practice may be co-ed or split into men's and womxn's teams depending on the needs for that practice day.
Metro is our local men's and women's tackle leagues. Local players will be allocated to teams and a seven game league will be held throughout the summer/fall months. For more league details, please visit:
Join us for practices where we will work on skills, conditioning, and team strategy. Practice may be co-ed or split into men's and womxn's teams depending on the needs for that practice day.