To build a thriving Australian Football community in Sacramento that encourages participation, champions the spirit of competition, creates pathways for development, and cultivates social relationships.
Brand Recognition
The SAFC will be recognized as a committed and responsible community partner and as an organization that contributes to the local Sacramento culture.
Projects include:
- Marketing plan
- Benchmarks and survey
- SacAFL brand
- Social media
- Public relations
- Community event volunteering
League Benchmark & Trendsetter
The SAFC is recognized as a leader and innovator in the USAFL community for growing Australian Football in America.
Data Management projects include:
- Website rebuild
- Membership database
- League data
- Communication methods
Revenue Raising Projects include:
- Sponsorship ($5k+)
- Non-profits financial resources
- Fundraising
Club Administration projects include:
- Strategic plan
- Project management
- Corporate reporting
- Corporate documentation
Sacramento Field & Clubhouse
The SAFC will either own or have primary access to a standard size field to allow the club to host local, regional, national or international competition.
Projects include:
- Development guidelines
- Financial planning
- Partnerships
- City projects
Produce Top Talent
The SAFC will continuously produce top quality talent considered for selection by the USAFL national teams and high-level footy competitions around the world, including the AFL.
Projects include:
- Play in Australia Scholarship
- Player Exchange Program
- Coaching staff
- Coaching qualifications
- Game and training plans
- Player and coach feedback process
- Umpire certification
- Player retention
Large SAFC Footprint
The SAFC will facilitate the implementation of Ausball leagues consistently across the greater Sacramento area that will form the recruitment base of the club.
Projects include:
- League facilitator resources
- Marketing resources
- Sac State Open Day
- School league
- Saturday Morning Footy
Club Operations
These projects are fundamental to the operations of the club and are typically completed each year. These projects are fundamental to the operations of the club and are typically completed each year.
- Annual General Meeting
- Board meetings
- Policies
- Financial management and reporting
- Calendar of events including games
- Field reservations
- Equipment management
- League Management
- Webmaster
- Social Events